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- @3
- }By Andy (I'm Gonna Solve It) Smith
- @5
- Solving Steve 'Lamer' Bye's directory reading problem
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- @1
- Originally, I was going to write articles on Linked Lists, and
- using the system libraries. However, when I saw Steve Bye's plea
- for help with a directory reader I thought,'Hey! I can write an
- article on that and include the articles I was going to write.' So
- that's what this article is about.
- @3
- Right, down to business.
- @6
- Linked Lists
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~ @4
- Steve's problem is quite a difficult problem to solve at first
- glance due to it's complexity and size. However, all things in
- programming may appear difficult at first but when the problem is
- broken down into managable chunks, it suddenly becomes easy. The
- first hurdle to jump over is how to store the filenames and
- directory names.
- @4 Most people will opt for arrays, because they know how they work
- and they are easy to implement. But stop to think for one moment.
- @5
- Do you know many directories and files there are? I can tell you
- now that you don't, without a doubt. So the problem this
- presents is how many elements to allocate in the array? 10?
- 50? 5,000,000? You could define an array to hold 500
- elements. But what happens if there are more files? Your
- program crashes, thats what. Even if it is enough the other
- problem is that lots of memory is being wasted, due to the elements
- of the array not being used. From this, you just might have
- guessed that arrays are not suitable data structures to use for
- storing filenames, and you would be correct in your assumption.
- @3
- The most suitable data structure to use is the Linked List for
- reasons which will become apparent in a while. In fact Linked
- Lists have been covered before in Amoszine, Issue 6 to be exact,
- written by none other than Thomas Lancaster. Unfortunately,
- Thomas missed the point of Linked Lists, I hope my explanation of
- them clarifies things.
- @7
- The differences between arrays and Linked Lists
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @4
- The difference between arrays and linked lists is that the array is
- a 'static data structure'. This means that once it is defined,
- its size is fixed to how many elements you specified. It cannot
- shrink or expand in size, so if you fill your array, then tough!
- @5
- A Linked List however is a 'dynamic data structure' which means its
- size is not predefined and it can expand and shrink when it takes
- your fancy.
- @3
- The elements of an array are stored consecutively in memory as the
- diagram below shows:
- @1
- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
- | | | | | | | | |
- Values | 23 | 2 | 13 | 44 | 76 | 1 | 0 | 99 |
- |_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|_____|
- Memory
- Location 1024 1028 1032 1036 1040 1044 1048 1052
- @4
- You may have noticed that the memory locations are incremented in
- steps of 4. Why is this? Because when you define an array to
- hold numbers, it takes four bytes.
- This allows truly massive numbers to be stored.
- @3
- The diagram of a linked list is very different, here it is:
- @1
- _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
- | | | | | | | | |
- | 23 | ------->| 2 | ------->| 13 | NULL|
- |_____|_____| |_____|_____| |_____|_____|
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- | | | | | |
- Value | Value | Value |
- | | |
- Pointer Pointer Pointer
- @4
- In the diagram above, an element is the rectangle bit divided into
- two squares. The left square is your actual data you want to
- store, whether it is a number or a string it doesn't really matter.
- @5
- The square on the right of the element is whats known as a
- 'pointer'. A pointer is a variable like any other, except it
- stores addresses. In AMOS there is no 'pointer type' so we just
- use an ordinary integer variable. This pointer contains the
- address of the next element in the list. It is important to note
- however that the elements are NOT stored consecutively in memory,
- like arrays. The elements of a linked list can be ANYWHERE in
- memory. This is why a pointer is needed. Notice the arrows
- from the right of each element pointing to the left hand side of
- the next element. This shows you that each element points to
- (contains the address of) the next element. Also notice that the
- last element's pointer contains NULL. This is because we don't
- want it to point anywhere as it is the last element. Therefore
- we assign the pointer the value of NULL, which is zero in most
- cases.
- @3
- IMPORTANT NOTE: In arrays, you can access an element directly.
- So if you wanted to access the third element of an array called
- HELLO, you would use HELLO(2) (don't forget that arrays start from
- 0!!). In linked lists however, you can't. If you want a
- particular element from the list, you have to start from the
- beginning of the list and go through it until you find the desired
- item.
- @4
- One last thing to note about linked lists, each element can contain
- 2 pointers if you wish. The address of the previous element, and
- the address of the next element. This is called a 2-way list, we
- have utilised 1-way lists only.
- @1
- Back to Thomas Lancaster's article on Linked lists, he says you can
- use arrays to create linked lists. Wrong. The fact that an
- array's size is fixed means that you just can't use an array to
- implement a linked list, it defeats the whole object of using a
- linked list in the first place! A linked list changes its size
- remember! In fact Thomas says that using an array to implement a
- linked list "means that a maximum of 10 pieces of data can be
- retained". This is exactly why you cannot use arrays, it is
- restricting.
- @5
- Further on, he mentions another method which he says is more
- efficient. His idea is to use disk files to store the pointers.
- How can it be more efficient if it is a file on a disk? Disk
- drives are many more times slower than memory. Also, you can
- only open a maximum of 10 files which means you are restricted
- again. I hope that clarifies things for Thomas and other people
- who don't quite understand the theory of linked lists.
- @3
- Anyway, I had to get that off my chest, you wouldn't want people to
- think that Amoszine spreads misinformation!
- @7
- Implementing linked lists in AMOS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- @4
- Blitz Basic 2 programmers think AMOS it not capable of very much.
- Not true, AMOS can do anything any other language can do.
- Perhaps not as effectively, but it can be done. I can't
- understand why no-one uses linked lists in AMOS because it is
- really simple. It's almost as simple as C. The major thing
- missing from AMOS are 'structures'. A structure in C is just
- another name for a record. In C, we need to utilise structures
- to be able to use linked lists. A suitable structure for a
- linked list could be as follows:
- @1
- struct
- {
- char filename[80];
- struct node *next;
- } node;
- @5
- That chunk of code reserves space for a structure (record) called
- node. The declarations in the braces are the structures fields.
- The 'char filename[80]' line reserves an array of characters (a
- string basically) called filename which can hold 80 characters.
- @4
- The next declaration 'struct node *next' declares a pointer called
- 'next' which contains an address. It is this address that points
- to the next element. That structure is in actual fact one
- element of the linked list. Refer back to the diagram of a
- linked list.
- @3
- As I said, structures are not implemented in AMOS, so this presents
- a problem. When structures are defined all the elements in that
- structure are stored one after the other in memory. So we need
- to replicate this in AMOS, which is quite easy. All we need to
- do is reserve a wad of memory but you need to decide how much to
- reserve. This is quite easy. Look at the structure above.
- @5
- First we defined a string to hold 80 characters right? So to
- start with, we know we need to reserve as least 80 bytes. Next
- we need to store the pointer (the address of the next element).
- @4
- Addresses are stored as long words (4 bytes) so we need 4 bytes for
- that. So the total size of our structure is 84 bytes long.
- @3
- Unfortunately, AMOS presents us with yet another problem. The
- only way in AMOS to reserve memory is to use a 'Reserve As.....'
- instruction. Example:
- @1
- Reserve as Work 15,84
- @5
- That command would reserve a memory bank 84 bytes long. It would
- be allocated using slot 15 of the memory banks. Can you see what
- the problem is yet??
- @4
- Well, in the original AMOS, you could only reserve banks 1 to 15,
- so we could only store 15 filenames! In AMOS Pro however, the
- memory bank system was vastly overhauled and you could reserve up
- to 65535 banks. But we are still constrained by what we can
- reserve. I also bet that there are more than 65535 files on
- someones hard drive (including sub-directories of course). Also,
- if we did use memory banks, we would need to increment the slot
- number (the first parameter in the Reserve As ..... instruction)
- each time we wanted to reserve memory. The solution then is to
- go down to operating system level and use the functions in the Exec
- library. AAAArrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh, I hear you all scream!
- Don't worry, it's really easy. The function we need to use is
- called AllocMem() and strangely enough it reserves some memory for
- us. I won't go into the mechanics of calling system libraries
- here as this article will get too long. If you want to learn how
- to get your fingers dirty, then read my other article in this issue
- on how to do such things! All you need to know now though is
- that we will be using this function.
- @3
- Developing the Algorithm
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@4
- We now know basically what we are doing. However, it isn't time
- to jump to your keyboards and start coding. You need to design
- it on paper first. This is VERY important. When you are
- developing algorithms you are not quite sure about you should
- ALWAYS design it first and dry run it to save you time and effort.
- Many a time I have jumped in head first and came out with no
- results, it is frustrating I can assure you. So here is my
- pseudo-code for the linked list program:
- @1
- get the first filename;
- allocate some memory enough for a structure and remember the start
- address;
- store filename in structure;
- allocate some memory enough for a structure and remember the start
- address;
- get start address and store in pointer element of previous
- structure;
- get next filename;
- store last filename in structure;
- put NULL value into this elements pointer;
- @4
- That pseudo-code will read in a list of filenames and store each
- one in its own structure. Time to refine it more. This time
- our pseudo-code contains english and AMOS statements.
- @1
- ' Reserve 42 bytes of memory and store start address in
- ' LIST
- LIST=AllocMem(42);
- ' Remember the start address of our list, store in CURRENT
- Get first filename;
- ' Store filename in memory area just reserved
- populate_structure(CURRENT,filename);
- ' Reserve 42 bytes of memory and store start address in
- NEWLOCATION=AllocMem(42);
- ' Now this bit stores the address of our newly reserved
- ' memory area in the memory area we reserved previously.
- ' Loke is an AMOS command that stores a 4-byte number in
- ' memory you specify. This command has the effect of
- ' storing the address of the next element in the current
- ' element.
- ' We now move onto the next element, which we just
- ' reserved. The CURRENT variable contains the address of
- ' the element we are currently accessing.
- get next filename;
- ' Store blank filename in last element
- populate_structure(CURRENT,filename);
- ' Store NULL value in pointer field of structure.
- Loke CURRENT+38,0
- @5
- You may be wondering why I have reserved 42 bytes of memory.
- This is because the Dir First$ and Dir Next$ functions return a
- string of 38 characters, plus we need a pointer as well, another 4
- bytes, so that makes 42 bytes in total.
- @4
- The pseudo-code above was very close to the AMOS equivalent so now
- I present the AMOS version of the linked list program. It is
- also on the disk, it is called Linked_List.AMOS.
- @1
- ' Reserve 42 bytes of memory and store start address in
- ' LIST
- _ALLOC_MEM@1[@142,0]
- LIST=Param
- ' Remember the start address of our list, store in CURRENT
- ' Get first filename
- FILE$=Dir First$("**")
- Repeat
- ' Store filename in memory area just reserved
- ' Reserve 42 bytes of memory and store start address in
- _ALLOC_MEM@1[@142,0]
- ' Now this bit stores the address of our newly reserved
- ' memory area in the memory area we reserved previously.
- ' Loke is an AMOS command that stores a 4-byte number in
- ' memory you specify. This command has the effect of
- ' storing the address of the next element in the current
- ' element.
- ' We now move onto the next element, which we just
- ' reserved. The CURRENT variable contains the address of
- ' the element we are currently accessing.
- ' Get next filename
- FILE$=Dir Next$
- Until FILE$=""
- Loke CURRENT+38,0
- @4
- If you compare this AMOS program and the pseudo-code that preceeded
- it you will notice they are very similar. Load AMOS now and load
- the file 'Linked_List.AMOS' into the editor. Try it out and you
- will learn! Notice that in the source code that we have a few
- more procedures. Namely _FREE_LIST and _FREE_MEM. You should
- call the _FREE_LIST procedure when you have finished with your
- list, otherwise it will take up valuable memory. The _FREE_MEM
- procedure is called from inside the _FREE_LIST procedure and
- basically it deletes one element from our list.
- @5
- Believe it or not, but we have jumped a major hurdle in Steve's
- problem. We can store as many filenames as we like without
- restrictions. All we need to do now is to get the entire
- directory structure of a disk!
- @3
- Recursion recursion recursion recursion...........
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@4
- Now we have linked lists out of the way, we can now deal with
- scanning all files of a disk. The method we are going to use is
- called recursion. Recursion is where a procedure calls itself
- based on some condition. The reason we are using recursion to
- scan directories and subdirectories is because it is much simpler
- to code. The following pseudo- code will scan a disk
- recursively:
- @1
- scan directory for first file
- repeat
- if item scanned = directory THEN
- _SCAN_DISK[item scanned]
- print filename
- scan directory for next file
- @5
- The above pseudo-code fragment loops until it can't find any more
- files. While it is scanning, if it comes across a file, then it
- prints it out, with the full path attached. However, if it finds
- a directory then it calls itself i.e. the _SCAN_DISK procedure
- is called from within itself. This is what enables it to scan
- directories. When there are no more files in the directory, then
- the procedure ends and control returns to the previous procedure.
- As good as recursion may sound, it does have drawbacks. Firstly,
- if recursive procedures are not controlled, the stack could
- overflow, resulting in your program crashing. You can change the
- size of the stack by including a Set Stack instruction in your
- programs. It requires one parameter, the number of recursive
- calls allowed. It is unlikely that anybody has more than 10
- nested directories so there is no real problem.
- @4
- When you call a procedure, or subroutine, the address of the
- Program Counter is pushed onto the stack. When the procedure
- terminates, the address is popped off the stack. However, when
- using recursion, addresses keep getting pushed onto the stack and
- if there isn't enough room, it overflows.
- @3
- There is another drawback to using recursion, that is AMOS itself.
- AMOS isn't too friendly with recursion at all, it can crash, and
- sometimes programs that use recursion don't compile properly. It
- makes you think sometimes if François Lionet can actually program
- properly. Included on this disk (if Andy Gibson remembers to
- include my source code) is the source code for our directory
- reading program, it is called Dirstruc.AMOS. Load it into the
- editor and run it. When it prompts you for a directory to scan,
- choose DF0:.
- @5
- Don't scan your hard drive as it crashes, this is due to AMOS
- again. It should display ALL your files on your floppy disk.
- If you have a look at the code, you will see I'm not using the Dir
- First$ and Dir Next$ commands to scan a directory. Why?
- Because they are fraught with problems. Firstly, it insists on
- tagging the filesize onto the returned string. Secondly, it
- doesn't work with recursion. So I am using functions from the
- dos.library. Don't worry yourself too much at this stage on how
- it works, just accept that it does! If you are REALLY interested
- in how it all works, read my tutorial on calling libraries.
- @4
- Steve wants the directory structure to be sent to a file. This
- could easily be done by using Print# statements instead of using
- Print statements. The trouble with this method is that the drive
- heads will thrash. By this I mean whilst it is reading a
- directory, it will have to write to a file somewhere else, which
- will inevitably slow the program down a great deal. This is
- where our theory on linked lists comes in. Instead of writing
- the filenames to the screen or a file, we shall store it in a
- linked list. When the entire disk has been scanned, we simply
- scan from the start of the list to the end, reading each filename
- from it and writing it into a file. Load the file DirStruc2.AMOS
- into the editor and look at the source code. Then try it out.
- But please note, it is VERY VERY dodgy, and there's nothing I can
- do to rectify it.
- @3
- AMOS has a lot to answer for sometimes. I have also included a C
- program called DirStruc.C which does the same as the AMOS program,
- but more efficiently and it doesn't crash. If you have DICE it
- will compile under that. If you don't, then there's an
- executable version that you can use from the shell. It may be
- worth noting that you could easily store the executable version in
- a memory bank and run it, solving our crashing problem. It is a
- quick and dirty method of doing it, but AMOS leaves us with no
- choice! The executable version is called 'dirstruc' funnily
- enough. It needs to be run from the shell.
- @4
- Well that's it for this article, I hope you found it informative.
- If there is something you don't quite understand, contact me and
- I'll try to help you. If you want to see how to use library
- functions, then read my other article on this subject!
- Bye for now.
- @1
- end.